Daniel Lopez
Graduate Student
Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology
E-mail: dlopez7@vols.utk.edu
Education & Training
B.S. Biological Sciences, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Emergency Medical Technician, Roane State.
During my undergrad I worked in Dr. Tongye Shen’s lab where I performed different computational methods to study and understand various molecular/cellular biosystems and cellular dynamics. I specifically looked at the protein-ligand interactions of nuclear hormone receptors to gain insight into the constitutive activity of certain receptors. I am interested in applying machine learning/deep learning to -omic data to help solve complex problems. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, working out and playing guitar and piano.
Pham B, Cheng Z, Lopez D, Lindsay RJ, Foutch D, Majors RT, Shen T. Statistical Analysis of Protein-Ligand Interaction Patterns in Nuclear Receptor RORγ. Front Mol Biosci 2022; 9
Harnish MT, Lopez D, Morrison CT, Narayanan R, Fernandez EJ, Shen T. SNovel Covalent Modifier-Induced Local Conformational Changes within the Intrinsically Disordered Region of the Androgen Receptor. Biology 2023; 12 (11), 1442